Pipplet Flex Fluency Exam Patrick Lemarié French TeacherSince November 7th, 2019, we have had the pleasure of offering our learners the new Pipplet FLEX language certification.

Our aim is to offer relevant certifications adapted to our English and French training courses, so we have chosen to add Pipplet FLEX certification to our offer.

Pipplet FLEX, for Fluency Exam, is a flexible and efficient certification system eligible for the CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation in France for employees with a French employment contract)

No more delays and appointments!

Pipplet simplifies the certification process. It enables our learners to sit for an online certification session at any time, without any appointment.

PIPPLET certification online test Patrick Lemarié Consulting French Teacher translator

A modern and professional service

Pipplet allows the assessment of real skills in a language, by putting candidates in a real professional context. Role-playing and professional evaluation provide a more complete assessment than traditional solutions. Pipplet assesses the 4 skills: Expression and Comprehension, oral and written. The service also provides indicators on pronunciation, fluency and consistency of speech, as well as areas for improvement.

PIPPLET FLEX certification online test Patrick Lemarié Consulting French Teacher interpreter

Pipplet FLEX certification

can attest to competence in the following languages: English – French – German – Dutch – Spanish – Italian – Russian – Modern Standard Arabic – Japanese – Portuguese (Brazil) – Simplified Mandarin – European Portuguese.

We invite you to contact us

so that we can explain how to use your « Compte Personnel de Formation » (Personal Training Account) and obtain a recognized certification in English or French at the end of your training by sitting for the Pipplet Flex.

The Pipplet FLEX certification can also be used outside the « CPF » (Personal Training Account) for any other language course that certifies linguistic skills in the above listed languages.

PIPPLET FLEX online certification online test Patrick Lemarié Consulting French Teacher

If you live outside France and you want to learn French as a foreign language (FLE) for example, you can also attend one of our courses containing the PIPPLET certification in order to obtain an official international recognition for your training.

We are also present on the website https://www.trouvermaformation.fr/

and on the website dedicated to CPF https://www.moncompteactivite.gouv.fr/cpa-public/

Notes: The « Compte Personnel de Formation » (Personal Training Account) is a system designed to enable employees access to lifelong vocational training: depending on the length of the year worked, everyone is entitled to training hours, even if they change jobs or become unemployed.

Please do the free demo test here: https://audition.pipplet.com/direct/practiceflex


Consultant en Management International. traducteur interprète, Professeur Associé. Consultant in International Management. French online teacher. Translator. Interpreter. Associate professor.

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