Customised trainings

Our language and management courses focus on the specific needs you may have in relation to your business and the environment associated with your activity.

We have in our training catalogue standard products which are above all frames and themes from which we build with you an adapted service after having determined with you your expectations as regards the proposed training.

Formations à distance & classes virtuelles

remote learning

Erasing borders with videoconferencing

Video conferencing (Skype, Google Hangout, etc.) and the quality of Internet connections currently allow people to connect wherever they are on the planet, with the same communication efficiency as in face-to-face, by eliminating travel. Video conferencing also provides the interaction and concentration necessary for learning.

First free discovery session (30 minutes)

In order to give my clients the opportunity to have a precise idea of the effectiveness of videoconferencing in distance learning, I offer them a discovery session to explain and to demonstrate the interest of this method.

Compte personnel de formation

Patrick Lemarié Consulting Certifié QUALIOPI 20 12 2021

Nous sommes officiellement certifiés QUALIOPI pour les actions de formation ce qui vous permet de finance your training under the "Compte Personnel de Formation" (personal training account)..

Tout salarié travaillant au moins à mi-temps bénéficie d’un crédit en euros annuel au prorata du temps travaillé. Le Compte Personnel de Formation peut donc être utilisé par le salarié pour finance a training that he wishes to carry out at his own initiative..

Pour plus d’informations n’hésitez pas à entrer en contact avec nos équipes.

Patrick Lemarié Consulting is a partner of PIPPLET, online certification tests.

Training catalog

The training courses offered can be adapted or modified according to your needs. Every mission is subject to a preliminary study to best meet your expectations. Training can be done individually or in groups, generally not exceeding 12 trainees, in order to provide quality training.

English courses and trainings

Maritime English

Training for employees wishing to master maritime English. The objective is to acquire the vocabulary specific to their activities and to master written and oral communication with their interlocutors.

Legal English

This training is intended for people who have already studied English and who hold positions in litigation or legal departments. The objective is to acquire the vocabulary specific to their activities and to master written and oral communication with their interlocutors.

English for hotels, restaurants and tourism

Training in English for staff in contact with an Anglo-Saxon clientele or clients speaking English to communicate.

English CV preparation and interview

Training for people wishing to write their CV in English and prepare for recruitment interviews in English.

TOEFL, IELTS & TOEIC preparation

Training for people wishing to acquire the language skills necessary to successfully take the TOEIC exam and obtain advanced international recognition in business English.

Technical English for engineers and technicians

Training in technical English for engineers and technicians wishing to master the vocabulary specific to their activity. 3 levels of training courses are offered which can be followed successively.

Management training

International management

Training for people working in a multicultural environment who wish to acquire an understanding of cultural differences and geopolitics by mastering the necessary tools.

Intercultural management

Training for people who have to manage interculturality in companies and international organisations. The aim is to understand cultural differences and adapt to different cultural behaviours.

Team management

Training for people who need to manage a team. The functions can concern a project, a department, a study, production, purchases, sales, after-sales, quality assurance, etc.

Change management and crisis situations

Training for people who need to understand the mechanisms of change to adapt to the multiple situations generated by current changes by implementing effective strategies.

Business Ethics training

Business ethics and governance

Training for people in charge of the management of Business Ethics in the company. The objective is to know how to implement practical methods when confronted with ethical questions, induced by change.

CSR & ethical risk analysis before certification

Assistance to help companies prepare before a CSR certification audit or before an ECOVADIS / SMETA audit in business ethics.

Ethics officer before certification

Training for the Ethics and Legal Officer working in a company where an anti-corruption policy and compliance with CSR standards must be implemented.

Ethical business preparation before certification

Training session to prepare employees for anti-corruption and CSR compliance prior to an EcoVadis or SMETA certification audit.


The training delivered by Mr Patrick Lemarié fully met my expectations and the objectives initially set. I particularly appreciated his training method, as well as his capacity to listen to me and to provide me with clear explanations. The case studies proposed entirely matched my work environment.
Romain B.
Sales engineer
Patrick is very professional, either as a translator and a trainer. He is able to adapt to his trainees'needs, whatever their skills may be, while taking their professional field into account.
Sylvian Ledantec
Technical Manager Dragages Ports, Le Havre and Rouen

Let's work together

If you wish to obtain some information on a service, or you want to collaborate with me, or if you simply would like to ask me a question, contact me now.

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